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What Does Green Juice Do to Your Body?

Green juice isn’t a new nutritional phenomenon by any means. You might be hearing green juice talked about on a variety of platforms, especially by social media influencers and dietitians who love it for its array of benefits. But what exactly is it and how can it help you in your everyday life? 

Green juice typically refers to a beverage made with a variety of green vegetables, such as kale, celery, cucumber, spinach, and sometimes even jalapeno. It’s also common to find a few fruits, such as pineapple, thrown in to sweeten the naturally bitter flavours of leafy greens. The convenience of a green juice is what many people enjoy, however, it also offers many benefits to the body if enjoyed regularly. 

If you’re interested in giving the green juice hype a try, here’s what you need to know.  First, it’s important to acknowledge that the wonderful benefits of this beverage actually come from the numerous nutrients found in the juice (vitamins, minerals, etc.) 

Help Boost the Metabolism of Energy (thanks to vitamin C) 

The first instinct for many of us who feel tired in the morning is to reach for a coffee or tea to get that much-needed caffeine kick. However, a reason why you might be feeling overly tired, to begin with, is a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. Rather than trying to cover up the fatigue, green juice helps target the issue from the get-go by giving you nutrients, such as vitamin C, which helps metabolize the energy through the day without the caffeine crash. Carbohydrates are well known to supply the body with energy and are always found in green juice recipes. Therefore, adding a bottle to your breakfast or as an afternoon snack is a great way to get that boost you crave for!  

Support Your Immune System (thanks to vitamins A & C)

 Many of the vitamins and minerals found in green juice have been linked to improved immune function. It’s the case of precious vitamins A & C. This is especially important during the winter months where a drop in temperature can leave you susceptible to getting sick. If you’re finding it difficult to incorporate all the vegetables you need to stay healthy into your daily diet, consider adding a green juice to your meals as a way to bulk up your nutrient intake when you’re feeling a bit under the weather. In moderation, green juice might just be the kind of back up you need to take on whatever your busy day has to offer. 

Contribute to the Health of the Skin (thanks to vitamin A) ✨

If you’re interested in the visible benefits nutrients have to offer, then improved skin appearance would be on the top of that list. Along with the added hydration that a glass of green juice provides, some vitamins such as the queen A are known to help improve complexion and give that glow we all want, especially in the dry winter months. Don’t forget working on your health is often an inside out job. Sometimes almost all you need to feel and look better is to introduce some depleted vitamins and minerals back into your diet as easily as possible.  

Everyone reacts differently to certain foods and beverages, but green juice has shown to be a mild and simple way to incorporate necessary nutrients into your diet when you don’t know where to start. Moderation is key with any dietary change, so be sure to stay mindful when looking for the right brand to add to your daily routine. Too much sugar on the ingredient list might cause more harm than good, so stay informed and enjoy the benefits of green juice in a way that works best for you!