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What is the Best Time to Drink a Cold-Pressed Juice?

Juicing has been a long-standing dietary practice with a whole host of benefits. It is incredibly convenient for those who have busy lifestyles. It also helps you get in some essential vitamins and nutrients that you might be missing in your regular meals. When it comes to juicing, there aren’t any strict rules you need to follow as a beginner, but there are a few tips that can help you get the most out of your juices. These include the types of fruits and vegetables you use, as well as the time of day you decide to drink them.  

If you’re wondering whether your juicing schedule is right for your dietary needs, below are a few times of day that are the best for enjoying a cold-pressed juice.  

cold-pressed juice in the morning

Drink a Cold-Pressed Juice First Thing in the Morning 

The next time you wake up famished for breakfast, consider opting for a fruit-based juice first before preparing your meal. This will give you a boost without you having to rely on caffeine. Fruits offer complex carbohydrates that can help you metabolize energy throughout the day. They also provide the nutrients from the specific fruits you use. An empty stomach will have less to digest therefore making it the optimal time to get in all the benefits from your juice. It’s also much more convenient to grab a juice on your way out the door on a busy day! 


Drink a Cold-Pressed Juice Before or After a Workout 

As mentioned above, fruit juices are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They provide that much-needed boost of energy before a workout. To perform cardio or weightlifting, your body will need energy, and that’s where a pre-workout juice comes into play. It will give you that boost for your workout without leaving you hungry during the process.  

However, a post-workout smoothie is just as important, especially a protein-based one. Your glucose levels need to be brought back up and your hunger needs to be curbed until you can sit down for a full meal. After strenuous activity, your body needs to nourish its muscles and replenish any nutrients lost during your workout. Proteins and fruits are great at doing both. Drinking a cold-pressed smoothie after your workout is an easy way to stay on track with your nutrition goals! 

Drink a Cold-Pressed Juice with a Light Meal 

It’s no surprise that the heavier the meal, the harder your body must work to digest it. This is especially true for meals that include meat or dairy. Compared to fruits, they are digested much slower, therefore your juice could lead to some unwanted indigestion if paired with a heavy meal. To get the most out of your juice and absorb all the nutrients it has to offer, then consider drinking green juice or fruit juice with a plant-based meal. This will make it easier for all the nutrients to be digested and absorbed at the same time and alkalize your body effectively.  

There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a delicious and nutritious cold-pressed juice (or smoothie), but there are ways to make the experience work with your health needs. Take into consideration that the time of day you drink your juices could have a noticeable effect on your digestion, energy, and overall wellness. It’s never too early or too late to start incorporating cold-pressed juices & smoothies into your daily routine. If you are interested in starting, try out some of DOSE’s cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices today! 


Feature image: @maryetcompagnie