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5 Tips for Managing Stress

Almost everyone will struggle with stress at some point in their lives. Whether it’s from school, work, or tumultuous home life, feeling overwhelmed will happen and it’s perfectly normal. However, when stress begins to take over and affect your quality of life, then it’s time to figure out the best way to manage it. Everyone is different, but there are a few common tips to maintaining calm thoughts and staying mindful so that you don’t impact your mental health.

If you’re having a hard time, here are a few ways to manage your stress levels and hopefully get back to a calmer state of mind.

At any time, if you are experiencing too much stress and/or distress, contact your doctor or a health professional.

Moving Your Body Regularly

It’s no secret that regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress. It also improves your overall health in the process. Cardio exercises, such as running or lifting weights, help to reduce excessive amounts of cortisol caused by high stress. Cortisol is the “fight-or-flight” hormone that prepares your body for danger, even when there isn’t any immediate danger present.

This is why managing your stress is just as important as keeping yourself out of physically dangerous situations—both can have a huge impact on your mental health even if one feels less significant.

Maintaining A Balanced Diet

Eating well is another obvious, yet often overlooked, way to maintain your mental health and wellness. Making sure you’re getting all the right vitamins and minerals to manage your stress is just as important as any other tip on this list, especially because it works on your health from the inside out. High levels of stress can be caused by a nutrient deficiency or hormone imbalance, which is why understanding your food and how it impacts your body is incredibly important in managing your mental health.

You can’t go wrong with adding a few more fruits and veggies to your daily diet if you’ve noticed a lack of energy or mental clarity and digestive issues. However, it’s also always important to consult a doctor and dietitian for more information appropriate to you and your needs.

stress -eat a balanced diet

Having A Creative Outlet

If you’re struggling to maintain a clear head or release some built-up tension after a long day at work, then consider picking up a hobby that will provide you with a creative outlet for all that energy. Allowing yourself to release any negative thoughts—whether that’s with journaling, painting, or even karaoke—is a great way to get back in touch with yourself and understand what’s been giving you stress. Some of the greatest pieces of art have come from artists going through a tough time. Don’t underestimate the power of creativity when it comes to managing your stress.

stress- do creative activities

Prioritize Your Sleep

In the age of hustle culture, not sleeping enough is almost worn as a badge of honour. Many millennials and Gen Z-ers alike opt to push themselves as hard as they can under the notion that you have to work hard to succeed. However, not giving yourself enough time to sleep can have detrimental effects on your mental and physical wellbeing over time. Sleep is when your body repairs itself and processes information from the previous day.

Without this time, you might begin to experience significant mood changes, higher blood pressure, lower immune system function, trouble thinking and concentrating, and a variety of other physical and cognitive issues over time. While everyone is different, the recommended amount of time for sleep seems to be between 7 and 9 hours.

If you’re experiencing high amounts of stress, maybe it’s time to reconsider spending that extra hour on your phone before bed or pulling that all-nighter for your school project!   

stress - need sleep


Talk It Out

Sometimes, the best thing you can do to manage your stress levels is to talk about what it is that’s stressing you out. This can be to a close friend, family member or a professional, like a therapist or counsellor. It’s important to stay aware of when you’re feeling overwhelmed and to not be ashamed or scared to reach out to others if you feel like that’s the best thing for you and your mental health. It’s never wrong or embarrassing to express yourself, even if it’s just to talk about how overworked you are.

Stress is a normal part of life, but when you’re experiencing a bit too much of it, it can become incredibly overwhelming. Take some time to figure out what might be causing you the most stress and work with these tips to manage it in a way that’s right for you. Everyone is different, which means we all have unique ways of coping with situations. Don’t shy away from trying out a few methods until you find what works best for you.