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My Optimal Morning Routine to Feel Energized

One of the biggest struggles for anyone living a busy lifestyle is feeling awake and energized first thing in the morning. With long workdays and late nights, it can seem almost impossible to fit in all the healthy habits that keep your mind and body strong, like eating well and working out to release stress.  

If you’re finding it hard waking up feeling motivated to be productive throughout the day, here are a few simple ways to improve your morning routine and boost your energy.  

Move Your Body 🏃‍♂️

Moving your body early in the morning is a great way to give you that boost in energy before you’ve even had your breakfast. This movement can be as simple as a few stretches to loosen you up after a long sleep or as intense as a run and lifting some weights. Increasing your heart rate is an easy way to help you feel more motivated to take on the day and improves sleep so you can feel rested to do it again tomorrow.  

Eat a Nutritious Breakfast 🍳

Breaking your fast is vital, no one can deny that, but it’s just as important to consider what food you use to do it. What better way to feel your best than by starting the day with a nutritious meal? Whether you’re vegan or not, being mindful of what makes your body feel good and improves your energy is the first step to a handling a long day with a bit more ease.  

Give yourself room to experiment and have fun with your breakfast so that you can take on your busy schedule and feel great doing it! 

nutritious breakfast

Ditch the Coffee for Green Juice 🍃

Most reach for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, but that usually comes with a caffeine crash soon after. This then requires even more coffee just to get you through the day, but not everyone can handle the effects of caffeine, especially in large amounts.  

Green juice offers a better way to get in natural vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body and strong immune system. It helps you squeeze a few much-needed vegetables into your diet, helping you stay energized and focused without anxiety-inducing caffeine. 

Clear Your Mind 🧘

Incorporating journaling into your morning routine is a great way to release any overwhelming thoughts and clear your mind to take on the day ahead. Mental health is just as important as physical health, particularly when it comes to your energy levels, so don’t neglect it.  

Working through emotional issues or just writing out a few positive affirmations can have an enormous effect on how you feel for the rest of the day. Pair that with a morning meditation session and you’ll notice how much more energized and relaxed you feel while at work or spending time with your family. 

productive morning

Get Outside ☀️

Now more than ever we are seeing a need for outdoor time. Many of us are working from home with little to no balance between the two. If you’ve found yourself spending more time in doors than you’d like, make it a point to start every morning with a walk outside. This can be as short as around your neighbourhood or as long as a full hike, depending on how much time you have.  

More fresh oxygen often leads to more energy, so scheduling some time outside might be just what you need to feel energized before starting your workday.  

Plan Out Your Day ✍🏻

Having a clear plan for the day and knowing what you can look forward to is a great way to feel much more inspired to get started and stay productive. Finishing an exciting project for your client? Having an evening movie night with your partner? Write those all down in your calendar before you start the day so that you can really kickstart your energy and motivation.  

Not every day will be fun, but there are always a few simple pleasures that can make each day interesting in its own way. It’s just a matter of noticing what makes you the most excited and incorporating that regularly into your schedule.

Remember: the quality of what you do in the morning outweighs the quantity. Develop the best routine for you by keeping it simple and easy to follow for years to come.