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Water, an essential element

Often forgotten, water is nevertheless essential to the daily functioning of the reactions that take place in our body.  Indeed, the body is made up of 60% water on average. It is essential to life and allows us to transport nutrients and waste in the body, digest properly, lubricate joints and regulate body temperature. To keep this vital water circulating throughout our bodies, it goes without saying that hydration is essential. 

How much water should we consume every day? 

An adult woman should consume an average of 2.7L of water, including water from food and drink. An adult man should consume 3.7L. These needs are approximate and depend on the energy expended during the day and the temperature outside. The more you move around and the hotter the day, the thirstier you will be! 

Evaluate your hydration level 

To know if you are sufficiently hydrated, simply look at the colour of your urine throughout the day. Clear urine is a sign of good hydration and dark urine is a sign of dehydration. 

Be careful, completely clear urine can be a sign of overhydration, i.e. too much water compared to the quantity of electrolytes (e.g. sodium, potassium) normally found in the body. Therefore, during intense physical activities or heat waves, it is recommended to hydrate with drinks containing electrolytes rather than with water alone. 

Staying hydrated throughout the day 

According to the latest Canadian Food Guide, it is recommended that you hydrate primarily with water. You can infuse it with fresh fruit to add flavour. Tea, coffee, milk, and vegetable drinks are also good options. When it comes to juices, it’s best to choose low-sugar versions like DOSE’s Green Juices

Athletes can also replenish their energy reserves with smoothies and sweeter juices such as ZEST and TANGO with a pinch of salt added for sufficient electrolytes. 

It is estimated that about 20% of the water consumed daily comes from food, including soups and vegetables. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in water, such as cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, strawberries, peaches, peppers, and oranges. 

Don’t hesitate to make a habit of drinking water with your meal. Some smartphone apps can also be great to remind you to drink. Otherwise, having a full glass of water or a measured bottle nearby will help stimulate your drinking reflex. 

If you would like more personalized advice on hydration or healthy living, don’t hesitate to consult a registered dietitian who will listen to your needs and support you with kindness! 

Carol-Ann Robert Dt.P. Nutritionists – Dietitians 

green juices to hydrate properly