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How to Fix a Disgusting Smoothie

It has happened to all of us at least once: we’re full of good intentions and decide to make a healthy smoothie, but almost spit it when we take the first sip. But what do you do when you don’t want to throw the weird, bad-tasting beverage in the trash and waste all the good things that you have unfortunately mixed together?

We found solutions for you. They’re super easy and honestly can fix almost every smoothie mistake!

Problem: it tastes like dirt

How to Fix a Disgusting Smoothie
source: unsplash

Sometimes, when you put too many raw veggies in your mix, it can taste a bit earthy… Broccoli is good for dinner but a whole bouquet can be intense in a smoothie. 

What you have to do: add a teaspoon of vanilla extract. It will cover the weird taste, add a little touch of sweetness without being too sugary nor caloric! And if you don’t want it to be sweet, you can add grains or nuts, such as peanuts, sunflower seeds or cashews. It will become creamier with a nutty flavour.

Problem: it is too sweet

How to Fix a Disgusting Smoothie
source: unsplash

You like bananas, but maybe you’ve gone a little bit crazy for your morning drink and it’s now just too sugary? 

What you have to do: add some lime or lemon juice or a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Acidity compensates for sweetness!

Problem: It’s as thick as rubber (or almost)

How to Fix a Disgusting Smoothie
source: unsplash

Its texture is hardly drinkable… You need a spoon, worse: a fork, to consume it. If you wanted a smoothie bowl, it’s okay… but if you were planning to drink it on-the-go, it’s problematic. The solution is quite simple. 

What you have to do: add some fresh juice (cold-pressed of course!), coconut water or fruits that contain a lot of water, like watermelon for example, to your mix.

Problem: it’s too liquid

How to Fix a Disgusting Smoothie
source: unsplash

It’s not good when you’re “eating” your smoothie, but having the feeling you’re drinking flavoured water isn’t better neither when you wanted something smoother. 

What you have to do: the easiest thing is to add ice cubes! Otherwise, frozen fruits, a banana, yogurt or half of an avocado can solidify your beverage just enough.

Now, to your blenders!??‍?

Or, if you don’t want to take the risk of failing your smoothie, check out Dose’s plant-based protein smoothies: here!


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